Sleep Store Special Deals!

Our limited-time promo deals are truly exceptional, offering unbeatable value for a short period. With substantial discounts on top-quality products, these offers allow you to enjoy premium items at a fraction of the cost. Whether you're looking to upgrade your mattress, try something new, or stock up on bedding essentials, our promotions provide incredible savings that won’t last long. Act quickly to take advantage of these exclusive deals and experience exceptional quality without breaking the bank. so seize the opportunity to get the best for less while you can!

Free Delivery

Use Code: "FreeDelivery" at checkout to get free delivery on anything on the website.

Expires 1/31/2025

Valid 1/01/25-1/31/25. Receive Free Delivery Sitewide. Offer available online. Applies to new purchases only. May only be redeemed once. Sleep Store or Hometrends reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without notice.

$100 OFF Adjustable Base

Use Code: "100Base" at checkout to get $100 off any size adjustable base excluding Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Power Bases and Smart Bases.

Expires 1/31/2025

Valid 1/1/25-12/31/25. Receive $100 off an Adjustable Base or Smart Base sitewide. Exclusions apply, any Tempur-Pedic Smart Base or Adjustable Base is excluded. Offer available online. Applies to new purchases only. May only be redeemed once. Sleep Store or Hometrends reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without notice.