Suffering From Pain Put You In The Passenger Seat,The Sleep Store

Suffering From Pain Put You In The Passenger Seat


Wouldn't it be crazy to walk into your garage and sit in the passenger seat of your car and expect it to work properly? We all know that if we want our cars to operate and go where we want them to, we need to be in the driver seat. Suffering from pain, puts you in the passenger seat of your life. Instead of being in the driver's seat and making decisions based on what you would like to do and where you would like to go, pain is the driver and you're along for the ride. Living with constant pain inhibits your ability make decisions and go do what you want, when you want. 

As a software engineer, Derek spends a lot of time in front of a computer. He suffers from a wide variety of health problems from lower back pain to tension migraines related to stress. He's had regular visits to the chiropractor and massage therapist for stress relief. As he walked through the door of The Sleep Store of Fort Collins, it was clear he had done his research and narrowed down the options of massage chairs he wanted to try before buying. He wanted the luxury of being able to have the benefit of massage in his home as well as the convenience of not having to book so many appointments. After having the massage chair in his home this is what he said "Instead of feeling worse over time I'm getting better each day. It's truly an amazing experience to feel young again".

Massage chairs are easy to operate and make the stress of the day go away.

Kayla a young mom & nurse, suffered from a lumbar herniated disc and muscle spasms before purchasing her massage chair. She experienced sharp pain in the hip, along with numbness in her foot and weakness in the leg.  After using the chair for a few months, her back pain has been substantially reduced. Giving her much of her life back. She's now able to take care of her patients as well as enjoy family outings and vacations with her family. 

Are you suffering from tension headaches, back pain and stress?

You're not alone! According to Georgetown University, more than 65 million Americans suffer from back pain, and 76% of Americans have health impacts from stress. 

Massage is no longer just a luxury for you, it's a necessity.

Just think about how great it would be to not have to schedule an appointment! You could loosen tight muscles, relieve migraines, and experience less back pain all from the convenience of your own home. 

Here are 10 ways a massage chair can benefit you:

1. Reduce muscle tension.

2. Relieve tension headaches & migraines.

3. Decrease stress & anxiety.

4. Increase muscle flexibility.

5. Improve cardiovascular health.

6. Relieve lower back pain.

7. Enhance athletic performance.

8. Promote relaxation.

9. Flush toxins from body.

10. Decrease carpal tunnel syndrome.

You can get back in the driver seat of your life, by adding a massage chair in your home and reducing pain and stress. 

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